
Note: My mama is tough... but cool :)

I am just about the worst blogger in the world yo.... but it is so hard to keep up everyday! I don't know how people do it, seriously!

But anyways, I just wanted to talk about my mom for a couple of minutes. My mom is the most overprotective mother you will come across in your lifetime, I can guarantee you that. I am 23 years old and I still cannot get her to realize that she cannot control my ever step. However, there are many things about my mama that I would not change for the world! Besides the fact that I love her more than any other human being alive, she really knows how to do her thing in the kitchen and keep the overall family in good healthy shape.

You see, when I am living on my own I have more freedom, no curfew and I do not make my bed every morning before I leave the house - and that's really nice to be able to do. However, when I am not living near Mama Tchida, I am sooooooooooo unhealthy. I do not even really eat that much, but when I eat its usually junk. When I'm with my mom, I eat so much that anyone watching would think that soon I will turn into a little piglet or a rolling ball. Funny thing is, when I'm home, i eat twice as much, but so much healthier...and the healthy food actually tastes good!!!!

For example, when I'm away, I usually eat cereal or a yogurt for breakfast if Iget up in time (and coffee is a given of course.)But check out my hmmmmmmmmmmmmm bf here at home,

im just sayin'

just thought i'd share :)

1 comment:

Waldir said...

Ok, so maybe fruit is healthy and tasty, but I never managed to enjoy, say, salad... not without some dressing at least, lol.